

Page history last edited by Michael Feldman 8 years, 10 months ago


The WIKI of Mr. Feldman's 050 Advanced Academic Core Class


Spring 2016 - Check here for; Assignments, CLASS PHOTOS, Links to help complete assignments Tools; Readings; Sign-up lists; Photo's; Free time ideas and Other Important Info.



Final Exam Study List

Articles: Apple vs. FBI and Justice Dept.

Guns on Campus

Islamic Women at ASU

Monarch Butterflies 




Perfect Verb Tenses

Direct vs Indirect Speech

Punctuating Quotations

Hyphenated Adjectives

Adjective Order


Persuasive Arguments (point and support)

Citations and Bibliography


Interrupting, Tipping, Hedging, Asking Questions

Reading different kinds of charts and graphs

Steps in planning, formatting and writing a research paper


Presentation skills

Textbook - Chapters 5,6,7 & 8


Innovation Infrastructure


iBT listening 

Footnotes and Bibliography


Final Week Schedule


Mon              Tues                  Wed                  Thurs                         Fri

Marathon     Practice Final     Final Exam      Review exams

                                                              and group presentations   Conferences

Research Paper


Dream Apartments and Jobs


Time Magazine Best Fools for 2016





Types of Graphs and Charts

Final Conference Appointments


9:20             Sarah A.

9:30             Mohammed

9:40             Sarah F.

9:50             NoraFh

10:00           Maria Jose

10:10           Sauce

10:20           Manahil

10:30           Nasser

10:40           T.J.

10:50           Khattab

11:00           Ziyad

11:10           Diala

11:20           Thana

11:30           Ahmed

11:40           Tianqi



Homework for Monday, April 10

  • Textbook - Chapter Chapter 8, read Is there a Happiness number? and Can Money Buy Happiness and answer the accompanying questions
  • Group presentation: Each student must pick a city to research according to the ideas on the World University page 
  • On Monday your group will meet to decide on a final site to present 
  • Work on the final paper: Introduction to a Research Paper
  • Do the Reported Speech exercises in the handout
  • Read the "New Browsers" article and if you want, download one or both and try it out! 


Friday Field Trip





Monday - BU Technology Fair (10:30-12)


Persuasive Essay

Readings on Apple vs. the Justice Department






Finding a Job

Craig's List



Finding an Apartment


Boston Neighborhoods



Wheel One and Wheel Two

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

         (Pick one  for an Oral Report: Who, Where and Modern Evidence)


Help finding quotations


The quotations page

Famous quotes





In the second half of the course, we will be working with Academic journal articles.  Below is one example

of an article on Educational Technology.


Cognitive Style of Powerpoint 


Your assignment during the break is to find at least one academic journal article on your specific field

of study, whatever it may be.  Here are some places to look:



Search Journal Articles at the BU Library


Search Research Guides at the BU Library





The Seven Deadly Sins (Biblical)





Mr. Feldman's iBT page with Skills-specific links

Mr. Feldman's College Application Page


40 Maps

40 More Maps


Map Choice Sign-up Page


Boston University Library Search Help


100 Books Everyone Should Read (from Amazon.com)


New York Times bestseller lists








Best and Worst Superbowl Ads

Break Glass in Case of Empty Space

Chinese young people social media


US Legal System PDF


Jury Orientation Video


Our Courts




Venture Cafe Calendar

Berkman Center Calendar



Two Good Sites for extra Grammar exercises (with answers)

OWL Grammar

A4ESL Grammar

For Vocabulary

Academic Word List Exercises

Advertising Slogans Game

Free Rice

  The links below relate to some of the topics we will develop during the semester. There will definitely be changes in order and topics as we learn more about class interests and needs.




Dynamite Hack - Boys in the hood





Grammar Help Page


Flowers for Algernon


Theory of multiple intelligences

Algernon exercises


News Sources Page


40 Maps

40 More Maps





Is an excellent resource for finding new and

used goods cheap, jobs and apartments



The Bookstores of Harvard  Square



A list of resources from around the Web about International Education





Super final jeopardy



The Boston Public Library (est.1848) is a municipal public library system in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. It was the first publicly supported municipal library in the United States, the first large library open to the public in the United States, and the first public library to allow people to borrow books and other materials and take them home to read and use. The Boston Public Library is also the library of last recourse of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; all adult residents of the commonwealth are entitled to borrowing and research privileges, and the library receives state funding. The Boston Public Library contains 8.9 million books and A/V (approximately 22 million items encompassing all formats), making it the second-largest public library in the United States, according to the American Library Association.[5] In fiscal year 2009, the city of Boston spent 1% ($23,253,996) of its budget on the library -- some $36 per person.[6] 



Superbowl ads


Groundhog Day (the movie)

Question set

Complete Movie Script


All Recipes




         (Pick one  for an Oral Report: Who, Where and Modern Evidence)





CALIBRE - A must-have for 

managing your digital library







Time, briefly explained....






Is an excellent resource for finding new and

used goods cheap, jobs and apartments


Process Essay


In this essay you will practice how to give accurate and effective instructions on how to perform a process by breaking it down into and describing all of the individual steps needed to complete.


Here are some good sites that offer video or textual explications on how to do a lot of practical, complicated things:








Edward Tufte  Interview  


Tufte's Sparklines






Describe a Person


Caricatures of Famous People



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